The Graduate Society of Women Engineers (gradSWE) is a forum to connect grad students interested in the inclusion of women in engineering within the broader engineering community.  Through our activities, we seek to provide both personal and professional development, in order to support female engineering students on the path to an advanced degree and in their careers after graduating.

Below are examples of some of the events we host and conferences we attend throughout the year:

SWE National and Regional Conferences:

SWE members can participate in national and local conferences which include professional development opportunities, networking with potential employers, and hearing from inspirational leaders and innovators in the international engineering community.

2024 National Conference: October 24th-26th, Chicago, IL


2025 WE Local Conference: March 7th-8th, Cherry Hill, NJ

Etiquette Dinner

In February of 2016, gradSWE organized their first etiquette dinner. The networking session and dinner was hosted by a professional etiquette educator who gave an interactive lecture on proper social and dining etiquette for business and academic settings. The event was a great success—it was attended by over 30 graduate and undergraduate students in engineering! Since then, the etiquette dinner has been hosted on an annual basis.

Pathways Engineering Day

Pathways Engineering Day is an annual day-long event for middle school students in the New Haven area, aimed at engaging middle school students with different disciplines in engineering. Accordingly, students explored topics in environmental, biomedical, chemical, and electrical engineering, through hands-on activities and demonstrations aimed at highlighting problem solving skills in engineering.